You’ve trawled your way through the vastly competitive jobs market, impressed at the interview and gone on to get the job.
After congratulations and celebrations have been had, soon the first day nerves will be back and you will once again be the newbie.
It is undoubtedly a stressful time and we all have those niggling self-doubts… but fear not, we’ve put together the following 7 tips to ensure you are prepared for that first day in the new job.
1. Arrive on time
During your first days in a new job you are very much a ‘guest’ and certain allowances will be made for your inability to do certain tasks. You are there to learn the processes and the vast majority of your co-workers will realise this. What co-workers also realise, no matter how new you are to the company, is sloppy time keeping.Don’t give a bad first impression straight away, give yourself time and come to work with plenty of time to spare so you can guarantee you are ready to hit the ground running.

2. Get to know your colleagues
As much as you might hate it, introduce yourself confidently and positively to as many of your co-workers as possible. It’s all about making a good first impression so be proactive in meeting and greeting everyone. Even making drinks and getting to know how everyone takes their coffee will go a long way to integrating you into an established team.
3. Put in the extra hours
When you start your new job don’t be tempted to leave exactly at 5pm. Your first weeks are a great opportunity to soak up the office atmosphere and gauge if there is a hierarchy as to who leaves first.
If you find yourself with little to do when the clock strikes 5pm, volunteer to help someone no matter how little experience you have. They will appreciate your willingness to help and also learn fundamental business practices.
4. Ask questions and listen
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You are allowed to and your co-workers as well as management will be expecting and wanting you to show an interest in your new job and pick up skills quickly.
Taking notes and writing down any information you need is well advised. If you are unsure of something ask again so you are 100 percent clear. This will make sure you aren’t guilty of asking the same questions over and over again later down the line to the annoyance of your colleagues.
5. Get to know your boss
Your manager will, most likely, be very busy but this doesn’t mean that they have to be a stranger to you though. Ask for regular meetings where possible so you can receive feedback and advice on your performance. It is a good idea to track your accomplishments independently as you progress through your first days and weeks so you are ready for any progress meetings with the boss!
6. Over deliver
In your new job it’s important not to run before you can walk so always under promise and over deliver. Being realistic about what you can achieve is not a negative thing at all, ultimately it shows that you know your limits. If you have been set a task without a deadline, ask for one so you can make sure the work is done in good time. Your colleagues and management will appreciate your attention to detail and organisation. Above all show you can be trusted to get the job done, people remember that.
7. Show off the qualities your employer initially liked
Remember that you got the job because of your skills, experience and personality. Go into your new job knowing that you were the one they identified as being the best. Be professional at all times but if you showed a good sense of humour in your interview, do the same in your new role.
By doing this and all of the other points raised above, you will certainly show the employer they made the right choice selecting you.